A universal website for a personal trainer.
Fullscreen responsive slider, skills with progress bars, gallery, sign-up forms are some features just to name a few. A clean website is based on Uikit Framework, could easily customize.
Fully Responsive
Supports WordPress version 4.x+
Clean and fresh looking
Template based on Warp Framework and UIkit
50+ widget positions
Icon, badges, module class suffixes
Based on HTML5/CSS3 technology
Responsive, Full-screen slider
Scroll animation (fadeIn, Rollin, bounceIn, and more)
Maintenance mode
404 error page
Google Fonts
Mega Drop-Down Menu & Off Canvas
Real-Time Customizer
Advanced Profile Settings
Gzip & Minify Compression
300 Font Awesome Icons
Different Module Styles
Flexible Template Width
Well documented PHP and LESS files
Rich typography
ServicesGraphic & Design; Website Design, Development