General / 08 Sep 2022
Data Science 101 How to improve your AI applications using machine learning!

Data Science 101 How to improve your AI applications using machine learning!

Implementing data science in your business can have huge benefits such as expanding your business, expanding your customer base, and creating a unique user experience.

We live in a world where technology is at hand, whether we play the latest video games on the PlayStation 5 or browse, for example, Facebook and IG – technology is a daily part of our lives.

When it comes to artificial intelligence and machine learning, we tend to think of a futuristic world where machines conquer and people fight for survival. The reality is that data science and machine learning are already in our life. Netflix uses an AI and machine learning algorithm to enhance your user experience and help you choose what to watch. Fifty-one percent of Americans use a digital assistant through their smartphone, so when you ask Alexa to play a song or Siri to answer your questions, you’re already integrating AI into your life.

Implementing data science in your business can have huge benefits such as expanding your business, expanding your customer base, and creating a unique user experience to ensure a new potential customer and brand loyalty. Small and medium-sized businesses like you are currently implementing data science and machine learning; here’s how you can too.

What is data science?

Data science is the process of creating and structuring data sets that give them meaning. Part of the job of data scientists is to write an algorithm in coding language to collect and analyze data to observe trends or gather insights that people often miss. In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning significantly accelerate the process of mass data collection and analysis.

The process of collecting and analyzing data for a team of people can take days, weeks, and even months. By comparison, this can only be done within minutes or hours of AI or machine learning algorithm performing a task.

Data science to help your marketing and sales teams

Conventional customer insights can reveal a lot about consumer demographics and their spending behavior. Typically, customer insights give you a broad idea of ​​who your customers are and their pain points.

For example, by getting data from your website and social media contact points, you can get insights on:

  • Age / gender / geographical location
  • How many times the product has been added to the cart
  • If the wheelchair has been abandoned
  • How much was sold
  • If an e-mail has been opened
  • Classes on social media
  • Understand customer pain points through data disputes

Data challenge involves the cleansing and restructuring of data, as well as their enrichment by cross-referencing other data sets.

In terms of customer insights, this means that the customer’s email. The mailing address or phone number must match the payment method or social media handles to identify trends in their behavior. Not only simple demographics and sales data can bring huge benefits to combining psychographic data to help you better understand who your customers are and what drives them to buy. This data allows your marketing and sales teams to redefine customers to increase brand loyalty and create a personalized experience so customers are waiting for you.

Store your data

Protect sensitive information through data science and machine learning through the encryption process. Data privacy is essential for all businesses – it helps build trust between you and your customer; it also ensures that third parties do not use sensitive customer information, such as credit card information, medical information or contact information.

Advantages of machine learning safety:

  • Protect your business and visitors by monitoring your website or application for security threats by detecting malware or policy violations.
  • Machine learning can detect suspicious login activity to the program based on factors such as login attempts or unusual locations.
  • Protect any data stored in cloud services using machine-learning algorithms.
  • The more secure your application infrastructure, the greater the user experience for your customers, which creates more trust. A visitor or customer who knows your personal information is safe when buying from you, more likely to convert.
  • Grow your business with a data scientist

Nowadays, data is a new currency – so it’s important to have the data at your fingertips, no matter how big or small your business is. With quality data sources, you can learn customer insights and spot trends ahead of the curve to create a better customer experience and increase your score.

Hire a data scientist today to help grow your business.

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