General / 08 Sep 2022
Does Your Logo Translate Your Brand Vibe. Let’s think!

Does Your Logo Translate Your Brand Vibe. Let’s think!

While logos may seem intimidating from a conceptual perspective, they are essential to any business. A logo is considered the cornerstone of any good business or personal brand.

Logos are required. While logos may seem intimidating from a conceptual perspective, they are essential to any business. In fact, a logo is considered the cornerstone of any good business or personal brand. Logos have a heavy load, which is explained by:

  • who you are,
  • what you are doing,
  • why are you doing this, and
  • how do you do it.

Your logo will appear on social media, marketing materials, business cards, and more. In fact, it’s very hard to pick up one small chart! . Whatever your starting point, a good logo should:

  • Be eye-catching
  • Be timeless
  • Be memorable
  • Work well large or small
  • Embrace the atmosphere of your brand

What is the atmosphere of this brand that you talked about?

Simply, the atmosphere of a brand is how you want your brand to make people feel. (Also known as brand personality). This element should be consistent with your logo and content and clearly set out in your brand guidelines. By creating the atmosphere of your brand, the process of creating a logo becomes less intimidating. Start by capturing four to five words that cover how you want your brand to feel to people.

With these chosen words in mind and as a brand atmosphere, let’s create a logo!

Here are our top 10 logo design tips and tricks:

  • An image is often worth a thousand words – your logo visually reflects your brand. Let us know who you are with simple icons.
  • Blank space = clean logo design – Your logo should be recognizable and clearly legible from a distance or smaller. Keeping it “clean” will achieve this.
  • Boxed In is In – the use of forms for thinking inside the box and a great way to highlight your logo. It also helps in building various platforms. For example, the ‘box’ logo works great digitally and on letterheads, presentations and goods such as pens or cords.
  • Imagine your logo in a variety of situations. – When creating your logo, make sure you think about its purpose. For example, do you want to use it with a uniform, or will it be limited to your website design?
  • Color is very important for good design. You can create subtle contrasts in your logo by using different shades of the same color.
  • Be literal with your logo – if your name is an object, include that object in your logo. Don’t be afraid to say the obvious.
  • Be authoritative with your logo – be literal, but make sure it fits your organization.
  • Stand out and get noticed – in the world of design we call it “visual significance”. and a great way to create an impressive logo.
    It is not always necessary to reinvent the circle when creating your logo – if it works, it works. If you think this is right, then go ahead and use it
  • Don’t be afraid to tweak the wheel a bit – it’s good to build on the brand you’ve created, rather than replacing the old brand with a new and shiny one.

Admittedly, a lot needs to be taken into account. Sometimes turning to a professional to help steer you in the right direction is worth the gold. It may be worth hiring a marketing agency to help create a unique brand image and launch your brand on the right foot.

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